Welcome to my blog, it documents my search for 'adult' life, I may have already achieved this but I don't feel very 'adult'. Here you'll find the proper introduction.

Tuesday 28 May 2013


I'm Terrified of spiders unfortunately Riley is also not a fan of spiders. This leaves me with somewhat of a problem. What do I do in the event of a spider sighting?

(Luckily most of the 'spiders' we have in our flat are more of a cross between a daddy long legs and a spider. So I don't view them as real spiders, they are still spiders so they still scare me - just less so. This is the reason behind the fact that we sort of had a pet spider in the bathroom that we named apple... she lived in the corner of the bathroom for about 5 months, mainly because we were both too scared of her to evict her. She was eventually evicted by Riley's nephew when we decorated in January. It's strange we were kind of sad to see her go.)

It's quarter to 5 in the morning, I'm in the bathroom as a 'Real' spider darts in under the door. I half scream and jump in the bath - never thought I would ever hide from a spider in a bath. It darts back under the door (I think it might be a human phobic spider). The problem is now I don't know where it is now: is it waiting outside the door? Is it still under the door? Has it gone into my room which is next to the bathroom and I left the door open. I can safely tell you that it took me a long time get the courage to leave the bath. (Also bare feet feel VERY vulnerable in this kind of situation.) This incident was 2 weeks ago... I still didn't see it again, and yes I still worry about where it went, and still keep watch for it.

My question is what do adults do when they are scared of spiders. I used to pay my brother to move them, then in Uni there was always someone around who wasn't bothered about spiders. But what do I do now? What do adult arachnophobics do?

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